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Model boats on the lake

Picture of the large model SD14

This large model of an SD14 was built by and sailed on Roker Park Boating Lake by Fleetwood Model Boat Club.

The ‘SD14’ was a standard design cargo ship, built in large numbers, to replace some of the hundreds of wartime general cargo carriers that were still trading in the mid-1960s. Around thirty proposals by shipbuilders were put forward in 1966 and Sunderland's Austin & Pickerskill’s straightforward design was selected.

The first of these ‘liberty-replacement’ ships was delivered in 1967. Nick-named ‘Plain Janes’, ‘SD14s’ quickly established themselves as workhorses of the oceans, as they plied between the ports of the world, and have become much-admired by shipowners and held in great affection by many ship enthusiasts.

27 March 2022 A very pleasant day on the Boating Lake and a great day for sailing

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